Love Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage
Love marriage: The partners are fully responsible to make their life decisions and the stand to take during conflicts and issues Hence they are not in a position to blame others(parents) for any losses or gains.
Arranged marriage: The families of the marrying couple come together both into a new relationship. The elders in the family take an active part in making some decisions at least till the time they are comfortably and confidently settled with each other.
Advantages Of Love Marriage
## Love marriage is base on relationship believes. The ownership of love marriage lies totally with the both people.
## In love marriage have a choice and choosing individuals own and get best one.
## The young couple still hope for lifelong togetherness and risk factor almost eliminates.
## In love marriage partner becomes more responsible and mature to handle many things for financial implementation.
Disadvantages Of Love Marriage
## Many time not responsible own partner like - lack of financial support, things.
## Individuals don’t get parental support and everyone in their family turns against them.
## There's a lot of stress and anxiety that people go through when they choose to spend own long life.
## In love marriage can't blame to parents if anything goes wrong.
Advantages Of Arranged Marriage
## It allows a couple to form a relationship on more than just emotion and support.
## You can still find someone that you love with an arranged marriage.
## Arranged marriages can reduce the levels of conflict in the home.
## It maintains the traditions of a family’s culture, ethnicity, ethics, and identity.
Disadvantages Of Arranged Marriage
## Arranged marriages create relationships that often lack trust and support.
## It allows men to maintain control over the women in that society.
## There is an increased risk of mental health issues for people in an arranged marriage.
## Arranged marriages can force someone to live with an individual they don’t know.
Wether it is love or arranged marriage, the relationship will work only if both the partners are serious mature and honest in the relationship.
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