Birthday Gift Ideas for Friends

Happy Birthday, E Banking, Ebanking, Slime Shops, Udyog Aadhar, Lifestyle write for us agree that you need a unique gift for every type of friends. 
Some Gifts You Can Send To Friends Celebrating Birthdays On Lockdown

## A Candles with a personalized birthday gift box from Otherland, so they can channel an era of childhood birthday parties that, quite frankly, will never be beat. 

## A cupcakes with frosting so buttery and decadent they'll be gone within the hour, whether your friend is socially-distancing with family or all on their own. A fast-growing  flowerkit that will thrive indoors just like the rest of us finally getting through our Netflix queues — plus, once it gets big enough to plant outside, your friend can use the glass grower as a beautiful vase.

## A birthday mug cakecomplete with its own candle, so your friend can light it and boomie it for the perfect #StayHome birthday 'gram, and have the ideal mug for all future microwaveable cake needs.

##  A birthday cards because nothing says "love" quite like glitter-bombing your unsuspecting friends.

## A personalized keychain to remind them you're not just thinking of them on their special day, but every day y'all are apart. 


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