Art Project Ideas

Looking for art project management  ideas......A theme for high school art boards?  Paint, Graphic Design, Photography, textiles or Sculpture, most senior high school Art students begin by selecting a topic for their portfolio. 
Step 1: Brainstorm Ideas
      Write down all subjects, themes, places, things, activities or issues that are personally relevant and that matter to you purpose of any artwork is to communicate a message: 
## to comment or scream or sing about the world in which we find ourselves  passio include topics that are unusual, challenging, controversial, gritty or inspiring: those that fill you with passion.

Step 2: Evaluate your ideas

   ##  Eliminate those  insincere  and overly or lacking in substan doesn’t mean that a traditionally beautiful subject cannot be successful  but think carefully before proceeding with such a topic.

## Eliminate those topics for which the source material lacks aesthetic not mistake ‘aesthetic appeal’ for pretty.

##  Eliminate topics which are common unless you have an original way of approaching this topic. 

##Ensure that the topic you choose is something that you really which can sustain your interest for a year. 

## If you have more than one topic left on pick the thing that you care about the most.


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